D PACK ows DOULD Delta County School District Staff Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week! "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Henry Adams THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! SHALBATTONY COOPERA L AL W MOORE WOLL P HAPPY NATIONAL TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK! Teachers and stat play a critical role in educating and maiding er students. No matter where we are in life, a teacher influenced us. Teachers cont d touches à heart! Most people w a teacher who inspired them. Every one of us has at least one teacher in mind Take a moment and reflect on the teachers in your life. who encouraged and motivated us during er e Thank you to all the teachers and staff of Delta County School District! Caryn Gibson D PACK ows DOULD Delta County School District Staff Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week ! " A teacher affects eternity ; he can never tell where his influence stops . " Henry Adams THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO ! SHALBATTONY COOPERA L AL W MOORE WOLL P HAPPY NATIONAL TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK ! Teachers and stat play a critical role in educating and maiding er students . No matter where we are in life , a teacher influenced us . Teachers cont d touches à heart ! Most people w a teacher who inspired them . Every one of us has at least one teacher in mind Take a moment and reflect on the teachers in your life . who encouraged and motivated us during er e Thank you to all the teachers and staff of Delta County School District ! Caryn Gibson