Get a Discount on Your TDS Service If you think you can't afford service, think again. You could qualify for a discount on your service through a low-income telephone assistance program called Lifeline Assistance. Lifeline Assistance credits reduce monthly service charges. Who's Eligible? You may be eligible to participate in the Lifeline program if you have a household income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or if you participate in one of the following programs: . Medicaid Food Stamps (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) Veteran's Pension and Survivor's Pension Benefits To apply for Lifeline, you must apply to the Lifeline National Verifier at You may also print an application from that website. If you have questions about applying, to check eligibility or to request an application, visit or call the National Verifier at 1-800-234-9473. Lifeline is a government assistance program and is non-transferable. Only eligible consumers may enroll in either program. There is a limit of one discount per household. Lifeline credits on internet service are only available where minimum supported broadband service is available. If the household becomes ineligible for Lifeline, the household will be subject to TDS' regular rates, terms, and conditions. Contact TDS for more information, to check on eligibility, or to request an application visit, or call us at 1-888-CALL-TDS. TDS 211689CO/10-24/12780 Get a Discount on Your TDS Service If you think you can't afford service , think again . You could qualify for a discount on your service through a low - income telephone assistance program called Lifeline Assistance . Lifeline Assistance credits reduce monthly service charges . Who's Eligible ? You may be eligible to participate in the Lifeline program if you have a household income at or below 135 % of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or if you participate in one of the following programs : . Medicaid Food Stamps ( Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ( SNAP ) ) Supplemental Security Income ( SSI ) Federal Public Housing Assistance ( FPHA ) Veteran's Pension and Survivor's Pension Benefits To apply for Lifeline , you must apply to the Lifeline National Verifier at . You may also print an application from that website . If you have questions about applying , to check eligibility or to request an application , visit or call the National Verifier at 1-800-234-9473 . Lifeline is a government assistance program and is non - transferable . Only eligible consumers may enroll in either program . There is a limit of one discount per household . Lifeline credits on internet service are only available where minimum supported broadband service is available . If the household becomes ineligible for Lifeline , the household will be subject to TDS ' regular rates , terms , and conditions . Contact TDS for more information , to check on eligibility , or to request an application visit , or call us at 1-888 - CALL - TDS . TDS 211689CO / 10-24 / 12780