BELIEVE IT zero-lag gaming does exist Yep, that's right. It does exist, and we're not just talking about Gigfoot. Elevate's 1 Gig internet is the only service fast enough to FREE INSTALL support your latest game update, endiess Zoom meetings, online schooling, family video chats, and HD streaming. There is one downside though: you won't be able to blame slow internet anymore if you lose. PLUS 1 GIG INTERNET FOR $54.95 FOR THREE MONTHS Use promo code GIGFOOT$0 when you sign up at ELEVATE 844-386-8744 ADOD in *Ofer ends February 26, 2021 indludes S0 home instatiation ja $100 valuej and 1Gig service for the frst 3 months for the price of 150 Mops ($5495moj Ater 3 months. regular pricing ($79.95mol applies. Subscribers may switch to 150 Mops at any time Initis 12-month contract requined. Intermet service is required for TV and phone. Speeds are up to 1Gig. Cannot be combined with other or previous offers. Available in ive service areas only. Avalable to new residential internet customers only FAST INTERNET (for real) BELIEVE IT zero-lag gaming does exist Yep, that's right. It does exist, and we're not just talking about Gigfoot. Elevate's 1 Gig internet is the only service fast enough to FREE INSTALL support your latest game update, endiess Zoom meetings, online schooling, family video chats, and HD streaming. There is one downside though: you won't be able to blame slow internet anymore if you lose. PLUS 1 GIG INTERNET FOR $54.95 FOR THREE MONTHS Use promo code GIGFOOT$0 when you sign up at ELEVATE 844-386-8744 ADOD in *Ofer ends February 26, 2021 indludes S0 home instatiation ja $100 valuej and 1Gig service for the frst 3 months for the price of 150 Mops ($5495moj Ater 3 months. regular pricing ($79.95mol applies. Subscribers may switch to 150 Mops at any time Initis 12-month contract requined. Intermet service is required for TV and phone. Speeds are up to 1Gig. Cannot be combined with other or previous offers. Available in ive service areas only. Avalable to new residential internet customers only FAST INTERNET (for real)