JOIN CUR EVENT! Join Second Chance Humane Society on Saturday, October 23, 10:30 am-3:30 pm at Flower Subaru, 1760 N. Townsend for a special Subaru Loves Pets event made possible by the @ASPCA and @subaru_usa Grant Program! #SubaruLovesPets" @flowersubaru Come and join us. Adoptions will happen on site. MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE ASPCA SUBARU Loves Pets SUBARU. WE ARE THEIR VOICE JOIN CUR EVENT! Join Second Chance Humane Society on Saturday, October 23, 10:30 am-3:30 pm at Flower Subaru, 1760 N. Townsend for a special Subaru Loves Pets event made possible by the @ASPCA and @subaru_usa Grant Program! #SubaruLovesPets" @flowersubaru Come and join us. Adoptions will happen on site. MADE POSSIBLE BY A GRANT FROM THE ASPCA SUBARU Loves Pets SUBARU. WE ARE THEIR VOICE