19 MAGIC CIRCLE Players MAGIC CIRCLE PLAYERS The MAGIC of Live Theatre SINCE 1959 FUNNY Valentine TEI ROCK DRILLS Alpine Bank Magic CirclePlayers.com ROUTE 66 USA ANGELES An original show celebrating the fun and history of the iconic, American Mother Road! . CHICAGO DINNER & SHOW FEBRUARY 9 Join us for dinner & wine at The Stone House before the show. SHOW ONLY FEBRUARY 9 10 11 12 Come Support Your Community Theatre David & Gaynelle DREW LOEWEN Rediger Group MIZE CREATIVE KELLER WILLIAMS COLORADO WEST REALTY, LLC 420 S. 12th Montrose, CO 970-249-7838 mcp@montrose.net . RU scott's printing design COPY CATS 19 MAGIC CIRCLE Players MAGIC CIRCLE PLAYERS The MAGIC of Live Theatre SINCE 1959 FUNNY Valentine TEI ROCK DRILLS Alpine Bank Magic CirclePlayers.com ROUTE 66 USA ANGELES An original show celebrating the fun and history of the iconic , American Mother Road ! . CHICAGO DINNER & SHOW FEBRUARY 9 Join us for dinner & wine at The Stone House before the show . SHOW ONLY FEBRUARY 9 10 11 12 Come Support Your Community Theatre David & Gaynelle DREW LOEWEN Rediger Group MIZE CREATIVE KELLER WILLIAMS COLORADO WEST REALTY , LLC 420 S. 12th Montrose , CO 970-249-7838 mcp@montrose.net . RU scott's printing design COPY CATS