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    March 3, 2023
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ELEVATE 101 A SENIOR'S GUIDE TO THE DIGITAL WORLD Feeling lost in our digital world? Elevate is here to help! Learn the basics of streaming TV, smart devices, video chatting, and email through this 4-class series. All classes are held on Thursdays, from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. at DMEA's Office (11925 6300 Rd., Montrose). Refreshments will be provided. Class is free of charge, but donations to Montrose Rec District's scholarship program are welcome! Intro to Streaming TV Join Elevate Internet experts to tap into the world of on-line TV. Learn about the differences between cable, live streaming, and on-demand TV, and figure out what's best for you. When: March 9, 10-11:30 a.m. Where: DMEA, 11925 6300 Rd., Montrose How: Register with the Montrose Rec. District: Call Cindy at 970-252-4884 or email cindy@montroserec.com Attend all four sessions and you'll be entered to win a streaming TV package! Free! Save these Dates: April 27: Intro to Smart Devices July 27: Intro to Video Chatting August 24: Intro to Email ELEVATE MONTROSE RECREATION DISTRICT of LA ELEVATE 101 A SENIOR'S GUIDE TO THE DIGITAL WORLD Feeling lost in our digital world ? Elevate is here to help ! Learn the basics of streaming TV , smart devices , video chatting , and email through this 4 - class series . All classes are held on Thursdays , from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. at DMEA's Office ( 11925 6300 Rd . , Montrose ) . Refreshments will be provided . Class is free of charge , but donations to Montrose Rec District's scholarship program are welcome ! Intro to Streaming TV Join Elevate Internet experts to tap into the world of on - line TV . Learn about the differences between cable , live streaming , and on - demand TV , and figure out what's best for you . When : March 9 , 10-11 : 30 a.m. Where : DMEA , 11925 6300 Rd . , Montrose How : Register with the Montrose Rec . District : Call Cindy at 970-252-4884 or email cindy@montroserec.com Attend all four sessions and you'll be entered to win a streaming TV package ! Free ! Save these Dates : April 27 : Intro to Smart Devices July 27 : Intro to Video Chatting August 24 : Intro to Email ELEVATE MONTROSE RECREATION DISTRICT of LA