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  • Published Date

    September 12, 2023
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NEW LISTING! OPEN HOUSE SAT 9/23, 9am-12pm-212 Oak Ave. in Paonia - Charm of an older home combined w/ desirable modern features such as the inviting open concept, new kitchen appliances, new stackable washer/dryer combo & separate living space w/ a private entrance. Completely renovated from top to bottom w/ new drywall, light fixtures, double-pane vinyl windows, 2 full bathrooms, a tastefully designed kitchen that combines style & functionality, new exterior paint, new electrical, new plumbing & more. All work was completed w/ proper permits & passed final inspection. Original hardwood floors restored give a warm, comforting atmosphere. Large sunny backyard. Lush trees provide nice shade coverage on both the front and back patios. MLS#807714 LIST PRICE $424,000. Call today for more info! OPEN HOUSE RO MLS Carrie Soto, CRS, GRI Broker/Owner, REALTOR® RE/MAX Mountain West Director, Delta County Board of Realtors, 2021-present 970-470-2667 direct 970-527-4877 office carriesoto@remax.net www.carriesoto.com RE/MAX PAONIA 225 Grand Ave., PO Box 778, Paonia, CO 81428 Each office independently owned & operated WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Carbondale Cedaredge Paonia RE/MAX MOUNTAIN WEST NEW LISTING ! OPEN HOUSE SAT 9/23 , 9 am-12pm-212 Oak Ave. in Paonia - Charm of an older home combined w / desirable modern features such as the inviting open concept , new kitchen appliances , new stackable washer / dryer combo & separate living space w / a private entrance . Completely renovated from top to bottom w / new drywall , light fixtures , double - pane vinyl windows , 2 full bathrooms , a tastefully designed kitchen that combines style & functionality , new exterior paint , new electrical , new plumbing & more . All work was completed w / proper permits & passed final inspection . Original hardwood floors restored give a warm , comforting atmosphere . Large sunny backyard . Lush trees provide nice shade coverage on both the front and back patios . MLS # 807714 LIST PRICE $ 424,000 . Call today for more info ! OPEN HOUSE RO MLS Carrie Soto , CRS , GRI Broker / Owner , REALTOR® RE / MAX Mountain West Director , Delta County Board of Realtors , 2021 - present 970-470-2667 direct 970-527-4877 office carriesoto@remax.net www.carriesoto.com RE / MAX PAONIA 225 Grand Ave. , PO Box 778 , Paonia , CO 81428 Each office independently owned & operated WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ! Carbondale Cedaredge Paonia RE / MAX MOUNTAIN WEST