970-626-2273 Second Animal Resource Center Chance adoptmountainpets.org Road 10, HUMANE SOCIETY 11 am - 5:30 pm Tues - Sat Serving Ouray, Montrose & San Miguel Counties since 1994 Silly, Lovable Ginger Ginger is one of our "house cats". She sits on laps while we work, greets visitors, and entertains our staff and volunteers. Though we will miss her antics, we can't wait for her to find her new home. HOTWATER PRODUCTIONS HOT TUBS & SAUNAS Thank you to our ad sponsor: Hot Water Productions (970) 249-2566 hotwaterproductions.com 970-626-2273 Second Animal Resource Center Chance adoptmountainpets.org Road 10 , HUMANE SOCIETY 11 am - 5:30 pm Tues - Sat Serving Ouray , Montrose & San Miguel Counties since 1994 Silly , Lovable Ginger Ginger is one of our " house cats " . She sits on laps while we work , greets visitors , and entertains our staff and volunteers . Though we will miss her antics , we can't wait for her to find her new home . HOTWATER PRODUCTIONS HOT TUBS & SAUNAS Thank you to our ad sponsor : Hot Water Productions ( 970 ) 249-2566 hotwaterproductions.com