Second Chance second 970-626-2273 Animal Resource Center 177 County Road 10, Ridgway HUMANE SOCIETY 11 am - 5:30 pm Wed-Sun Serving Ouray, Montrose & San Miguel Counties since 1994 Meet Denver How could you not love this face? Denver is a fun-loving little dog who is 4 years old and weighs about 33 pounds. She's a Frenchie/Exotic Bully mix who has a lot of personality. Denver would prefer to be the only pet in the home. ADOPTION HOURS: Wed - Sun 11:00 am to 5:30 pm HOTWATER PRODUCTIONS HOT TUBS & SAUNAS Thank you to our ad sponsor: Hot Water Productions (970) 249-2566 Second Chance second 970-626-2273 Animal Resource Center 177 County Road 10 , Ridgway HUMANE SOCIETY 11 am - 5:30 pm Wed - Sun Serving Ouray , Montrose & San Miguel Counties since 1994 Meet Denver How could you not love this face ? Denver is a fun - loving little dog who is 4 years old and weighs about 33 pounds . She's a Frenchie / Exotic Bully mix who has a lot of personality . Denver would prefer to be the only pet in the home . ADOPTION HOURS : Wed - Sun 11:00 am to 5:30 pm HOTWATER PRODUCTIONS HOT TUBS & SAUNAS Thank you to our ad sponsor : Hot Water Productions ( 970 ) 249-2566