In Colorado, more than 89,000 families with children use SNAP to help buy healthy food. YOU CAN, TOO. TRI-COUNTY HEALTH NETWORK SNAP, which provides food assistance commonly called food stamps, is there for people who need a little extra help making ends meet. By enrolling in SNAP, you can get access to the groceries you need. You decide where to shop and what to buy. Applying for SNAP is easy! Contact TCHNetwork's Enrollment Specialist at 970-708-7096 or email at SNAP Ace In Colorado , more than 89,000 families with children use SNAP to help buy healthy food . YOU CAN , TOO . TRI - COUNTY HEALTH NETWORK SNAP , which provides food assistance commonly called food stamps , is there for people who need a little extra help making ends meet . By enrolling in SNAP , you can get access to the groceries you need . You decide where to shop and what to buy . Applying for SNAP is easy ! Contact TCHNetwork's Enrollment Specialist at 970-708-7096 or email at SNAP Ace