When you live... ... in a place where you are not surrounded by miles of concrete roads and sidewalks, you just live closer to the earth. You pay attention to the fact that the wind won't quit til the snow is off Horsefly... this year there were folks who offered to go up there to haul it off before we all blew away! You know that the corn is supposed to be knee high by the Fourth of July. You know about that hurricane force gale that comes from the east, otherwise known as the Cedar Creek winds. The dirt under your fingernails is worn proudly, whether it comes from plowing your farm or working in your yard. It's all good for the soul. Debbie Reed Broker Associate (970) 209-1396 Debbie ReedRealtor.com Phelps Real Estate Group, LLC 501 S Townsend Ave 970.209.1396 Montrose, CO 81401 Under Contract in a Flash! Lots of Home and Room to Roam! 62620 Jeremy Road *2949 sq.feet, 1 acre 5 BR and multiple BA *Large covered redwood deck, RV parking, 2 car garage and a carport! Uncompahgre Plateau views! MLS # 793515 $675,000 R MLS. DER PHELPS REAL ESTATE GROUP, LLC When you live ... ... in a place where you are not surrounded by miles of concrete roads and sidewalks , you just live closer to the earth . You pay attention to the fact that the wind won't quit til the snow is off Horsefly ... this year there were folks who offered to go up there to haul it off before we all blew away ! You know that the corn is supposed to be knee high by the Fourth of July . You know about that hurricane force gale that comes from the east , otherwise known as the Cedar Creek winds . The dirt under your fingernails is worn proudly , whether it comes from plowing your farm or working in your yard . It's all good for the soul . Debbie Reed Broker Associate ( 970 ) 209-1396 Debbie ReedRealtor.com Phelps Real Estate Group , LLC 501 S Townsend Ave 970.209.1396 Montrose , CO 81401 Under Contract in a Flash ! Lots of Home and Room to Roam ! 62620 Jeremy Road * 2949 sq.feet , 1 acre 5 BR and multiple BA * Large covered redwood deck , RV parking , 2 car garage and a carport ! Uncompahgre Plateau views ! MLS # 793515 $ 675,000 R MLS . DER PHELPS REAL ESTATE GROUP , LLC